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Todas as alterações notáveis neste projeto serão documentadas neste arquivo.
Display Futures odds for the most popular leagues in the USA and around the world within seconds, requiring minimal developer input. Easily compare Futures for a given market from leading Sportsbooks in the USA and across the globe. By embedding Futures tile within news articles, you provide your readers with the best odds and clickable links to sportsbooks, potentially boosting monetization through affiliate partnerships. the relevance of the information provided.
Responsive Design: The widget supports different banner sizes and can be configured for responsive use, ensuring it looks great on various devices and screen sizes.
Geo-location: The built-in IP detection ensures that users see legal bookmakers and accurate odds based on their location, enhancing the relevance of the information provided.
By embedding Tiles within news articles, you provide your readers with the best odds and clickable links to sportsbooks, potentially boosting monetization through affiliate partnerships. the relevance of the information provided.
2023-11-28 -
The New Special Bets Widget is ready for action! 2023-11-14
Dear Webmasters,
Enhance your content and drive conversions with our New Special Bets Widget!
Special bets, also known as novelty bets, have gained tremendous popularity and are poised to continue growing as more individuals discover this unique concept. They provide a thrilling way for those less interested in traditional sports to engage in the excitement of betting. Special betting covers a wide range of events, including politics, TV shows, awards ceremonies, and novelty bets.
Responsive Design: The widget supports different banner sizes and can be configured for responsive use, ensuring it looks great on various devices and screen sizes.
Markets: Special betting covers a wide range of events, including politics, TV shows, awards ceremonies, and novelty bets.
Sportsbooks: “All sportsbooks” selects the best odds from all configured bookmakers. Choosing a sportsbook shows the selected operator in the widget.
Country switcher: It allows users to simulate and examine Bookmakers for other locations through a drop-down menu. This feature enhances user experience by tailoring odds information to their geographical location where they generate traffic
Geo-location: The built-in IP detection ensures that users see legal bookmakers and accurate odds based on their location, enhancing the relevance of the information provided.
By embedding Tiles within news articles, you provide your readers with the best odds and clickable links to sportsbooks, potentially boosting monetization through affiliate partnerships. the relevance of the information provided.
2023-11-14 -
General script code changes! 2023-10-03
dear webmasters,
Oddspedia's ongoing commitment is to deliver exceptional services and continuous product enhancements to give our customers the best possible experience. Therefore, we are thrilled to share some exciting news with you that we have been working on behind the scenes.
We have made some big changes to our widgets script code which has unlocked a number of features and possibilities:
- Improved Flexibility - Our widgets are now more flexible, allowing you to tailor them according to your preferences and content.
- Optimized Efficiency - Our widgets are more streamlined and efficient, leading to a cleaner and smoother performance for our users.
- SEO-Friendly - Our widgets are now also crawlable by Google.
- US State Support - Our widgets now fully support US bookmakers (nationwide and state-specific), alongside the necessary compliance disclaimers.
Next Steps - Action Required
To seamlessly transition to the new and improved script code, we kindly request your support in reconfiguring your widgets. The process is simple – just copy the updated code and embed it onto your pages.
2023-10-03 -
New Widget Single Game Odds Comparison! 2023-09-04
dear webmasters,
Enhance your content and drive conversions with our new Single Game Odds Comparison Widget. Show your preferred partners, and compare odds across multiple operators for all games in the USA and abroad to provide value to your audience with ease.
- Geo-location -The built-in IP detection ensures that users see legal bookmakers and accurate odds based on their location, enhancing the relevance of the information provided.
- Responsive Design: The widget supports different banner sizes and can be configured for responsive use, ensuring it looks great on various devices and screen sizes.
- Country switcher: It allows users to simulate and examine Bookmakers for other locations through a drop-down menu. This feature enhances user experience by tailoring odds information to the geographical location where they generate traffic.
- Sportsbooks - the widget provides the best odds from more than 120 bookmakers.
- Exclusive coverage - you can choose a preferred game from 10K+ leagues in 30+ different sports.
- Monetization: By embedding Tiles within news articles, you provide your readers with the best odds and clickable links to sportsbooks, potentially boosting monetization through affiliate partnerships. the relevance of the information provided.
2023-09-04 -
New Widgets Single Game Best Odds! 2023-06-13
dear webmasters,
We are thrilled to announce that our Single Game Best Odds Widget is ready for action. Enhance your content and drive conversions with our widget. Insert the best odds for a given game from the best leagues all over the world directly into your article.
Show your preferred partners the best odds, across multiple operators to provide value to your audience with ease.
Our tiles are customizable to meet your brand guidelines and take the development work out of displaying real-time odds information.
- Exclusive coverage - you can choose a preferred game from 10K+ leagues in 30+ different sports.
- Sportsbook - the widget provides the best odds from more than 120 bookmakers.
- Geo-location - The built-in IP detection ensures that users see legal bookmakers and accurate odds based on their location, enhancing the relevance of the information provided.
- Responsive Design: The widget supports different banner sizes and can be configured for responsive use, ensuring it looks great on various devices and screen sizes..
Exclusive customization options - Our powerful configurator and theme builder provide you with full control of the widget with various layouts, views, content options, and several built-in themes ready to use.
2023-06-13 -
Geo-location functionality! 2023-02-08
Dear Webmasters,
We’re excited to present you with our new Geolocation functionality. The Built-in IP detection will allow your users to see the legal bookmakers and the correct odds for the specific state or country in which they're located. Our automated tools provide you with the right affiliate technology that will increase your earnings and intelligent integrations to extract new value from your sports-focused content.
- Add/remove states оr country, add/remove sportsbooks per state or country, and add/remove affiliate links per sportsbook.
- User IP detection for correct odds, offers & legal bookmakers per state/country.
You can choose which sportsbooks you'd like to show per state or country, the order in which they appear and if you have an affiliate relationship with that sportsbook, you can enter your custom affiliate URL. Additionally, you can configure the WORLD (All Bookmakers) option, which shows all sportsbooks you choose regardless of the state or country in which the book operates.
2023-02-08 -
The New Competition/League Widget is ready for action! - Check it out! 2023-01-13
dear Webmasters,
We are thrilled to announce that our Competition Widget is ready for action. Boost your editorial content by covering all of the major leagues` valuable data and merging it with high-quality statistics.
The Widget will provide you with full access to LIVE data and stats, standings, pre-match/live-match odds comparisons, and outright odds for the most popular leagues in the world like - the Champions League, PL, Seria A, NBA, NHL, MLB, and many more.
The competition widget gives a great way of attracting sports fans to your league’s website!It will help you to generate higher traffic to your website and your audience will find all the data they want, without leaving your website:
- Fixtures and results - listing all league matches from the opening round to the final stage;
- Standings - Groups and standings for each league and competition;
- Odds comparison - displays real-time data with the best prices and odds movements;
- Outright odds - Tournament and group winners;
- Match info - Display the date, referees, venue and betting stats;
- Full tournament scheme - Displays the whole schedule from the group stage through the knockout phase and to the final.
2023-01-13 -
1.1.0 2020-06-22
Caros Webmasters,
Hoje apresentamos um redesenho completo e um desempenho aprimorado de nossos widgets!
Leia abaixo as últimas notas oficiais.Adicionado
- Novo design - o design dos novos widgets que não apenas parece melhor, mas também melhorou a usabilidade e o desempenho. A experiência do usuário é aprimorada por meio de melhores pontos de navegação e uma aparência mais limpa em todas as resoluções de dispositivos.
- Modelos de cores - Adicionado mais modelos padrão para cada widget
- Páginas de demonstração - Novas páginas de demonstração para testar a comparação de probabilidades e os widgets do centro de correspondência
- Ligas de realidade simulada - Eventos de realidade virtual são adicionados a vários esportes, como futebol e basquete
- Informações Aprimoradas dos Jogos - Resultados ao vivo adicionais, resultados finais e períodos estão disponíveis para todos os esportes, com uma cobertura mais ampla dos eventos.
- Documentação - Encontre informações mais detalhadas e fáceis de usar sobre como implementar os widgets.
- Links de rastreamento padrão para a Itália - páginas de destino corretas adicionadas para as casas de apostas que operam na Itália
- Links de rastreamento padrão para a Alemanha - páginas de destino corretas adicionadas para as casas de apostas que operam na Alemanha
- Dimensionamento no celular - a altura do widget agora é calculada corretamente em dispositivos móveis
2020-06-22 -
1.0.3 2020-04-22
Caros Webmasters,
Aqui estão as últimas atualizações.Adicionado
- Nova Casa de Apostas - As odds da Betjoe estão agora disponíveis.
- Login do Google - Agora você pode usar sua Conta do Google para fazer login.
- Depoimentos - Adicionado feedback de nossos clientes, se você desejar ser incluído, envie-nos uma mensagem através do formulário Entre em contato.
- Calendário de widgets - agora as datas com correspondências ativas são destacadas no calendário.
- Correções adicionais adicionadas sobre o erro 419 que aparecem para alguns clientes.
2020-04-22 -
1.0.2 2020-03-30
Caros Webmasters,
Obrigado por usar os Widgets Oddspedia. Leia abaixo as últimas notas oficiais.
- Registro de alterações - Este documento pode ser acessado no rodapé da página inicial do widget.
- Documentação - abrange todos os widgets e API disponíveis. Pode ser encontrado em https://widgets.oddspedia.com/dashboard/widgets/documentation e acessado através do painel para usuários registrados.
- Comparação de odds Traduções de widgets - Traduções ausentes para o widget foram adicionadas em alemão, português e espanhol.
- E-mail de verificação - design renovado
- Widget de comparação de podds - hotfixes pequenos
- Corrigidos erros de digitação na página inicial.
- Problemas expirados na página 419 - aparecendo no Chrome em alguns casos
2020-03-30 -
1.0.1 2020-01-15
O formulário, "Entre em Contato" foi introduzido junto com as alterações para melhorar o desempenho do widget e várias correções baseadas no feedback do usuário.
- Nova casa de apostas para comparação de odds - Vivagol
- Formulário de contato - acessível a partir da página inicial, não hesite em enviar uma mensagem.
- O ponto final do torneio está agora disponível na API
- Atualizado formulário de login do usuário
- O Match Center "Widget agora atualiza as cotas ao vivo e o status da partida a cada 5 segundos (eram 10)
- Adicionado lógica para permitir vários usos do widget "Match Center" no mesmo URL
- Falhas aleatórias na redefinição da conexão
2020-01-15 -
1.0.0 2020-01-14
- Widgets.Oddspedia.com está agora á sua disposição!